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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Themed tape: repetitious

1. The Flaming Lips - Yeah Yeah Yeah Song ("yeah" and "no")
2. Zutons - Pressure Point ("pressure")
3. Annuals - Hot Night Hounds ("goodbye")
4. The National - Ada ("Ada")
5. Nick Drake - Pink Moon ("pink")
6. Bruce Cockburn - Open (WYEP live version) ("open")
7. The Avett Brothers - Die Die Die ("die")
8. Rufus Wainwright - Rebel Prince ("Marigold")
9. Leonard Cohen - Hallelujah ("hallelujah")
10. The Pixies - Gigantic ("gigantic")
11. R.E.M. - Bang And Blame ("bang" and "blame")
12. Counting Crows - A Murder Of One ("change")

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1 comment:

  1. Lots and lots of honorable mentions on this one:

    The Police - Roxanne
    Fiona Apple - Please Please Please
    Mountain Goats - Love Love Love
    The New Pornographers - Testament To Youth In Verse
    Cake - Perhaps Perhaps Perhaps
    Neko Case - People Got A Lot Of Nerve
    The Velvet Underground - Run Run Run
